Helen Sims was born in November 1981. She has had Cerebral Palsy since birth, and cannot walk or stand unaided.
Age fourteen, she had major orthopaedic operations, spending almost four months in hospital, (100 miles from home), and had to learn to walk from scratch. The surgeries were the start of a battle with clinical depression. Helen is a passionate and outspoken campaigner for disability rights. She has been trying to raise awareness of the realities of life with a disability since she was eight years old, hoping she can help people understand better. She loves to write, and has been a member of her local Writer's Circle, the 'Somerscribes', for over twenty years. She is determined to turn everything bad that has happened to her into something positive, something which she hopes will help others. On the social networks, you can find Helen's writing by searching: #helenswriting |